Public Bakeovens



Cooking with Fire in Public Parks


Dentonia Park oven

To get a permit for this oven: David Craig: 416-338-3294

new oven at Dentonia Park. Photo: Barry Ross

From the City of Capital Projects website

In response to an application put forward by the Youth Awoke neighbourhood group, the Dentonia Park Clubhouse is being upgraded with a residential grade kitchen. An outdoor community pizza oven will also be installed in the surrounding park. The project scope includes:

An outdoor pizza oven

A new kitchen that is fully accessible and includes:
An oven
A fridge
A double sink
New counter space
Cupboard space

The clubhouse is divided into two main spaces with natural light and views of the surrounding park. The facility is used for camp programming in the summer and open to permitted groups for the rest of the year.

Contact info: Youth Awoken, Chantelle Targett at 416.691.7407 or

Built under this city program with a Toronto Community Foundation grant

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Content last modified on December 20, 2022, at 04:35 PM EST