Public Bakeovens



Cooking with Fire in Public Parks


Thorncliffe Tandoor Oven Project

The tandoor oven was installed at R.V.Burgess Park in 2013 and first used regularly in 2014.

Here is a short Youtube video showing naan bread being made at the park in September 2014.

May 30 2014

everything is new

adjusting the air intake

she makes it all look so easy

2011 - The Thorncliffe Park Women's Committee first made plans to locate a tandoor oven in RV Burgess Park, for use during community events such as their summer bazaars and fresh food markets.

What is Tandoor? An enhanced cooking fire

It is an open air cooking device traditionally used in many cultures ranging from the Middle East to Central and South Asia. In a tall clay pot with a fire at the bottom, insulated to keep the heat in, various foods such as bread, grilled/roasted meat and vegetables are made.

A Visit to Mainra Traders, March 15, 2011

On March 15, five of us went to Oakville to have a look at the tandoor ovens manufactures by Mainra Traders. The owner was very nice and showed us all the details for the tandoors he manufactures in India. The ceramic inside is covered by a steel box; the whole thing, he says, weighs about 700 lbs. The price would be about $1600 plus HST. The tandoor uses charcoal.

in the tandoor storage garage

the lid for the top

the air intake at the front

View the full Tandoori oven proposal

Project Timeline


Summer 2010 Thorncliffe Park Womens Committee (TPWC) made a tandoor with clay in a barrel. The first one broke while being made. The second attempt was a success, and bread and chicken were made.

barrel tandoor

cushion for dough

side view of barrel with air intake

is it ready?

naan bread and chips

coals in the bottom


4/24/2011 Meeting at Amy's. Amy, Sabina, Asya, Zakia, Jutta, Mayssan, Pia, Yo. Tandoor proposal planned.

5/4/2011 meeting at TNO. TPWC, CELOS, Dave Harvey (Park People), Lauren Baker, Seodhna Keown (Food Strategy). Tandoor proposal was presented to the Food Strategy (Tandoor Oven Proposal)

5/9/2011 Food Strategy deputation. (Riverdale oven and deputation)

5/20/2011 Traditional Tawa cooking demonstration (Tawa event correspondence) See the illustrated story.

5/26/2011 Fresh Food Markets Grant submitted (Fresh Food Markets Grant Application).

Thorncliffe Fresh Food Market

5/27/2011 Bazaar restarted for the summer

5/30/2011 Roger Macklin came by to Dufferin to chat

6/6/2011 Meeting with Roger Macklin on possible site (Meeting at the tandoor site with Roger Macklin) It was decided that the city would fully fund the building of the tandoor.

6/30/2011 Mainra traders sends a note that their tandoor stock is low and an order should be made soon. No word from Roger yet.

7/9/2011 3rd cooking fire.

7/16/2011 4th?

7/17/2011 check the portable tandoor in little india

portable tandoor

7/26/2011 portable tandoor purchased. Curing the Portable Tandoor, July 27, 2011?

7/29/2011 “Flavours of Thorncliffe”

8/19, 20, 26/2011 Eid Bazaar

9/2/2011 last word from Roger (the last word from Roger Macklin)

9/15/2011 New oven policy goes to the Parks Committee (1) Deferred. To be reconsidered at the next meeting on 10/11 (on the bake oven policy)

9/24/2011 Portable tandoor event

9/29/2011 Bake oven policy meeting at Dufferin. Diane Stevenson, Amanda, Wendy.

10/11/2011 Parks Committee meeting. Bake oven policy is deferred again until the November 22 meeting.

10/29/2011 Eid Bazaar at R. V. Burgess Park.

11/1/2011 Bake oven briefing at City Hall (organized by Ana Bailao) A video was shown, Jutta spoke and answered questions on oven users' concerns with the policy, and an alternative to the policy was handed out: (A proposed oven policy for the Nov 1 meeting, for comparison)

11/9/2011 Meeting with the Food Strategy members at TNO. Barbara Emanuel, Seodnha Keown, Ayal (Sorauren Park), TPWC, CELOS.

11/11/2011 Lease Agreement for the tandoor oven at R.V.Burgess came out (Tandoor lease agreement) (Lease agreement analysis)

11/17/2011 Meeting with Mary Margaret

Discussion among the various friends of bake ovens followed, with the following results: (bake oven discussion and amendments4) (Dave Harvey on the bake oven policy and tandoor lease agreement)

(prep for Nov 22 Parks Committee meeting)

11/22/2011 Parks Committee meeting. Deputations by Jutta, Videographer showed the video made for Nov.1, and Ayal (couldn't make it). (Jutta's deputation)

Sabina's deputation

Then a long time of back and forth or (mostly) silence.

Follow the progress of the tandoor oven project on the pages below:

A Visit to Mainra Traders, March 15, 2011

Showing the Portable Tandoor at the Bazaar, July 29, 2011

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Content last modified on March 01, 2016, at 02:45 AM EST